Here you will find frequently asked questions about Scoil Eoghain, and also answers to these.
What are the School hours?
Junior & Senior Infants
9.15am - 1.55pm
1st class - 6th class
9.15am - 2.55pm
Break Times
10.45am - 10.55am
12.30pm - 1.00pm
School finishes at 2.55 pm.
What is the school uniform?
Navy blue V neck crested jumper / crested cardigan.
Blue shirt and navy tie.
Navy blue skirt / pinafore / trousers
Black footwear.
PE Uniform
Navy blue crested sweatshirt.
Blue crested polo shirt.
Navy blue tracksuit bottoms.
P.E. days for each class will vary throughout the academic year. This will depend on what activities each class are doing. Please watch out for school texts or our bulletin Scéalta for updates on P.E. days.